Monitoring Agent Groups

Agent groups combine agents, control the execution of tasks within them and distribute their workload. The Agent Group Monitor provides detailed information on the execution of the tasks processed by agent contained in the group. It allows you to modify some parameters in the Agent Group definition and in the tasks.

The Monitor shows all upcoming and currently running jobs in an Agent Group in a list where tasks are sorted by start times; tasks with the same start time are additionally sorted by name. The list is refreshed every 60 seconds. In case of problems with a task, the Monitor allows you to spot problems as soon as they arise; you can see at a glance if tasks are not being executed, which agents the run on, etc.

What You See on the Agent Group Monitor

The Task list in the Process Monitoring perspective displays tasks that run on just one agent due to a specified agent group mode as a one-line entry. The Agent column indicates which one has been selected to execute the task. If running in All active mode, the agent group container displays an entry for each task execution; its name is the same as the task.

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The status of a task is Waiting for Host if no agent can be retrieved at the time of execution; this can happen if, for example, all agents were inactive, the agent group filters did not supply results, the agents had no resources, etc. The system checks whether agents are available and active in regular intervals.

A task starts as soon as an agent can be selected for the task.

Workflows contain additional options allowing you to specify that tasks that use the same agent group should run on the same agent.

What You Can Do

From the Agent Group Monitor you can modify some of the Agent Group settings as well as the properties of its tasks. These changes affect that particular execution only. As soon as it is ended, the original settings apply again. If you want those changes to be permanent, you have to change the Agent Group definition. See Agent Groups (HOSTG).